Order #
Description |
11/20/03 | 2003-10 | General Order Regarding E-Government Act Privacy Requirements |
10/01/03 | 2003-09 | Reappointment of Chapter 7 Panel of Trustees |
09/23/03 | 2003-08 | Order Approving Chapter 13 Trustee´s Fiscal Year Operating Budget and Fixing Trustee´s Compensation |
08/26/03 | 2003-07 | Order Amending Chapter 7 Blanket Bond |
07/31/03 | 2003-06 | Amended Order on Compensation of Debtor´s Attorney in Chapter 13 Cases (Effective August 4, 2003) |
06/10/03 | 2003-05 | Order Approving Blanket Bond for Chapter 7 Trustees |
06/10/03 | 2003-04 | Order Approving Bond for Curtis C. Reding, Jr. |
04/14/03 | 2003-03 | Order Amending Chapter 7 Blanket Bond Increasing Limits for Tom McGregor, William C. Carn, III and Collier H. Espy, Jr. |
02/25/03 | 2003-02 | Order Setting Compensation for Chapter 13 Standing Trustee, Curtis Reding |
01/30/03 | 2003-01 | Order Approving Blanket Bond of Daniel Hamm and Robert Reynolds |